Financial issues don’t emerge abruptly from anywhere. In most cases, they are due to years of financial mismanagement and poor decision-making. Whenever these problems arise, we choose to live in denial of our financial position. The result of such choices is a life full of debts and the inability to pay bills. One way of […]
How to Cut Down on Our Daily Expenses
Daily spending management is the most critical pillar of a successful financial life. It is sad that I learned this the hard way after falling into a financial pit. As I worked towards getting myself out of the grave I dug myself into, there are valuable lessons I picked up which helped me return to […]
Managing Finances as a Self-Employed Person
Self-employment comes with a wide range of benefits. There’s the independence of choosing or picking the projects that I would like to implement, and I have the freedom to schedule my working timelines. There are drawbacks as well, among them not benefiting from the services of salary payments with tax and insurance being paid on […]
4 Ways to Get Fit and Then Stay Fit
It is relatively easy to get fit but harder to remain that way. It takes regular exercise and a balanced and controlled diet. Also, supplements can be taken to enhance the process, where the foods that the body is ingesting are not enough to sufficiently promote muscle growth to the level required. So, this article […]
Saving and Spending Tips for a Debt-Free Holiday
We all know that holidays are the best part of the year. It’s a season of spending and receiving. However, it’s also a costly period because we tend to overspend. This is due to a lack of a reasonable spending plan. According to 2019 research from Cision PR Newswire, 61% of Americans feared the holiday […]
7-Keto Benefits: A Weight Loss Regimen
A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that works primarily by reducing insulin levels, creating ketones, and promoting fat burning. When carbs are reduced and fat is raised, the body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis. The body then begins to convert lipids into ketones, which are chemicals that can provide energy to […]
Three Critical Factors for Making a Financial Plan
We all work towards financial freedom to comfortably meet our needs. One of the most effective ways to ensure you can be financially free is by setting realistic financial goals. These goals give you a road map that will help you reach that destination you’re looking to arrive at. Money goals and a well thought […]